What would happen if the electricity grid failed?
Hardly anyone under 50 can remember the last time the UK had
less energy than it needed. Power cuts in
the 1970s, were the result of the dispute between the miners and the Heath government. And while disruptive, the introduction of the
“three-day-week” gave a degree of stability, allowing businesses and households
to plan ahead.
Back then, Britain had a largely national economy (the UK had only just joined the EEC). Governments could operate industrial
strategies because the UK was still a major manufacturing nation. It was also a more self-sufficient country,
growing most of the food it needed. Today
things are very different. The UK today is
little more than a tax haven for global financiers, heavily dependent for most
its lifestyle on imported food and goods from manufacturing bases around the
world in a highly complex global economy. For example, today, UK agriculture produces less than 60 percent of the food we need,
and this makes the people who live in the UK highly vulnerable:
“Populations are far less
resilient now than they once were… There
is likely to be a very rapid descent into public disorder unless Government can
maintain [the] perception of security…
Any central Government response to the crisis may be too slow, arriving
after the local emergency resources and critical utility contingency measures
had already been consumed.”
This was the conclusion of a top secret government emergency
preparedness exercise – Exercise Hopkinson
– which examined the potential impact of a prolonged loss of electricity in
Devon and Cornwall caused by damage to the Grid. What the government planners discovered was
that disruption in one critical infrastructure system would rapidly cascade
into all other critical systems. Without
electricity, water and sewage could not be pumped. Communications failed when batteries could
not be recharged. Hospitals could not
run once emergency backup generators ran out of fuel. Transport collapsed as electric fuel pumps stopped
working. Shops could only sell food for
cash because electronic payments systems failed… and people could not obtain
cash because the cashpoints weren’t working.
Refrigeration failed, preventing chilled and frozen food from being sold
for health and safety reasons. Most
businesses were unable to operate, and many key workers chose to stay at home
with their families rather than attempt to get to work… no wonder the
government tried to bury all references to the exercise.
The cascading critical infrastructure collapse encountered
in Exercise Hopkinson has been seen
in the real world too. On 14 August 2003
the entire northwest of the USA and neighbouring regions of Canada were taken
out as a result of a power line sagging and making contact with a tree, causing
a power surge that cause the shutdown of power stations across the region. Fortunately, power could be restored in a
matter of hours because the Grid infrastructure was intact. Nevertheless, in this short space of time, a
cascade had already begun. The water and
sewage system began to fail immediately.
Filling stations stopped working, leaving people stranded. Air traffic control failed. Businesses shut down.
This short-lived but highly disruptive incident gives us a
much greater insight into what would happen to us if the UK national grid
failed than any comparison with the 1970s.
In those days, we were much more resilient because we were much less
dependent on electricity.
Another cascade occurred closer to home when, in September
2000, farmers and lorry drivers staged a week of protests triggered by sharp
rises in fuel prices. A series of
rolling road blocks and blockades of oil refineries created a public
panic. This quickly stripped food from
supermarket shelves and fuel from filling stations. Although just 10 percent of the UK’s road deliveries
failed, this proved sufficient to bring the country to the edge of collapse.
The fuel protests provided the first glimpse of a country with
insufficient supplies of cheap liquid fuels.
This was a phenomenon that had not been experienced since the
1970s. People back then saw an energy
crisis of a different kind, as the OPEC countries limited the supply of oil to
international markets. Indeed, it was
the spike in oil prices in the 1970s that opened the way for profitable
investment in North Sea oil.
North Sea oil gave Britain a temporary lease of life that
allowed successive governments to pretend that it was some kind of great power
on the world stage – as it had been a century before. But it was a facade built solely on oil
riches. As former Welsh First Minister
Rhodri Morgan recently observed:
“Back then [since 1983] whoever
was running the Government had this amazing ability to spend oil revenues.
Governments could afford things. They
didn’t have to worry about where the next few quid was coming from. The Falklands War was eminently affordable. Paying the cost of the rocketing unemployment
benefit bill, as dole queues doubled, then trebled, wasn’t a problem.”
The North Sea also proved to contain huge reservoirs of
natural gas that promised to provide Britain with cheap electricity from a new
generation of gas-fired power stations that would replace the aging nuclear and
dirty coal-fired power stations. This
also gave the Thatcher government the means to break the mining unions’ stranglehold
on the UK economy.
Between 1979 and 2000, successive UK governments created an
energy and transportation infrastructure based around North Sea oil and
gas. Despite warnings that these were
finite resources, politicians of all stripes put personal ambition ahead of the
long-term needs of the people, and failed to invest in a new, post-fossil fuel energy
generation infrastructure.
Today, renewable energy makes up just 15 percent of the UK
energy mix. Of this, almost all is old
hydroelectric generation together with the wood-burning Drax plant in
Yorkshire. Wind and solar power barely
scratch the surface. Indeed, the
massive, £2bn Gwynt y Mor offshore windfarm located off the north Wales coast
is the second largest offshore windfarm in the world, but delivers just a third
of the power generated at the coal-fired Aberthaw power station in south Wales.
For the UK to replace even a sizeable fraction of its coal,
gas and oil energy generation with renewables, governments from the 1980s would
have needed to have diverted a proportion of North Sea oil revenues into
renewables of all kinds. They didn’t.
Every year from 1979 on, oil and gas production from the
North Sea grew. Politicians simply
assumed that the UK would continue on this trajectory for generations. And while governments faced some criticism
from environmentalists concerned about global warming, they could always deploy
the hi-tech card – long before climate change gets out of hand, they told us, carbon
capture and storage technology will have been developed, allowing us to burn
fossil carbon to our hearts content.
So long as North Sea production continues to grow,
governments can spend their time dealing with more immediate problems like the
banking crisis and the stalled global economy.
So when might North Sea oil and gas production peak?
You may be surprised to learn that it already has. Both oil and gas production peaked in 1999 and
has been falling rapidly ever since. In 2012
the North Sea was producing just half of the gas two fifths of the oil that it
had been producing in 2000. This does
not bode well for a country whose critical infrastructure was designed around
access to a growing supply of cheap fossil carbon. Giving evidence to a House of Lords energycommittee hearing, Professor Dieter Helm described the UK energy situation as a
“very slow motion car crash”:
“… by 2015 or 2016, the capacity
margin in this country will be very close to zero; in fact, I have done some
numbers which suggests that it might be below zero. What is going to fill the
gap in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020? We will be lucky if Hinkley is on the system
by 2022 or 2023. More nuclear power
stations are coming off between now and then.
Most of the coal, through emissions control, thankfully, is being
closed. There are not enough wind farms
and solar panels to fill that gap in a credible way … it is inescapable that
gas is a transitionary fuel and can actually make a big impact quickly.”
The committee themselves acknowledged that:
“There is a growing risk of power cuts in the UK as the margin of electricity
generating capacity over peak demand shrinks. It reflects a lack of clarity and
consistency in energy policy over many years.”
The UK is becoming increasingly dependent upon imported oil
and gas from some of the most unpredictable regions of the world – Russia,
Libya, Nigeria and several Gulf States – any one of which may turn the taps off
at any moment. This dependency can only
get worse as North Sea production continues to fall.
All of those energy threats that governments
thought were problems for future generations are coming home to roost. The lights are about to go out for the first
time in 42 years, and nobody is sure what the consequences will be.

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